Building Renovation Unipol Sai


“Building Torre 1 - Campus Missaglia”

FABRIC is invited to the contest to riqualify one of the building in the Milano business park in Via dei Missaglia, 97. Location and a strong intersection between an urban fabric and an agricultural landscape lead to integrate the nature of Parco Agricolo SUD with the project. Fabric designs green hanging tanks for the facades, a green roof and a green practicable terrace too, balancing building energy and helping to distinguish it from other neighboring buildings.The Fabric proposal to obviate to the existent facade problems is to create a metallic superstructure that could lighten the solar contribution in the interior and create a new architectural dress as well. The optimization of the interior functions involves the reconfiguration of the common spaces at the ground floor. The solution is represented by interior flexible areas thanks to modular partitions that create training and meeting rooms or free open spaces, depending on the needs.


Novembre 2018 // presente




Lavori in corso


9700 m2


Concept Design
Buildind Concept Design
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